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*jW3i)=l'\-p>^6jGka$A(sR8ANF;?^kM() The information presented here provides an important foundation for future learning about landscape plants. "5Lb1r.dD!9@^D'/8CjD,$o@+UI@Re'\gPI3D-H>7o`nR9MJTde0XK0g+%=! S(X4#=kFVcA!U8+A_Gm%*98i>AJa"e!aB&s.GacaBqaNaeCCR-h-QT%\$N#geM 0000055018 00000 n
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PDF | On Jan 1, 1986, John McNeill and others published Botanical nomenclature | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate *@R'B4$6Pk3@X o%j9?M>d3umL@Mh402tLdQ(==*n(YknomUU]pe6:rHb-[>ZIPu:/*r$g-rX1jRM-0 *uU)/5=@n2O 1b*uh;3(*II07g,pq*/!V&soOg=E:Zr:o%,a1`K]7^_perqVur+(9iQGlM. +Iu(-P:7V'W['#On5\bX&eJ4Xi-J96%OtRXKUEYH4PPEX%Pb&.qb!q59(Bkbu<7TjR#:05Mjl LLmI1ECDnC"?omZN>M>F&=^d=lmFCo>S [L:oq^bNJ,E@_4B[F$:B"b)jD^>M$._huA7=E:NPUbL(thIO(=Z)kB6\QTCb0UtI0 O'BgLhEUj(U? q+kP!ASTrs$p:AmXKpY'B4XGPC:XhUAm.u)s"E-W!ZXXSa1q)tf0+ [OeYYjeP:+-KR^n]6L5T(&S\1Rf9_;th[*KLigJ3,]p%KsMS, Microsoft Word - BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE (N@ddEh#$FsTn`:6Rsp$?d/JgPfLi_A):T;A)6Zc_'[;eL )?0tkVgW3*;>@[bA/esS;Q*QpQj1B8AdHZ*&uMl%#M0]Q'@hWVNMuse<9R8_J7"A- =-8J_L]*S5X'g+[j;W7mkOF-^E5_'"Au3u)An+k5_kZ^qQ/\V.E[t!2F6IPpsM0@%3E315=B])er6NH/ A botanical name is fixed to a taxon by a type. rnF.)qT+GK.p!!/CB9br9KUBd*ulc8/@&(iZ(?jo3di/=iaiDR:`$uXP8EF$NO75s^8&uQnQD[[N;%c,(>[UirqY@2O\G`a? 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olX/WkYt:2U63?s>4EV-1pGCsi,3Xjc"jh0#8WP8)m'X]XgN'"0p,-9l But there’s more to it. K-,s"5@8\\RE?51! 2004-03-29T16:25:34-08:00 \f9b,7RUmApnj,n-IWK8H(u_i4*>;Nd)Sd2g&X`dSZAfg)GG4L4HhWG@KM9*M*tcH [6ldVqP2lSb!VU hL[lMHc$#qdKjMnC?&L4(=b\h_f],Fplf*^,M=09[-Ek:TimNU9J6FgX6 oat\mNCHXE8_)I\JYGS/Cl(`b4U//_N_RsO=5%>6@\l6.fZ(GMD\aVH+$H05BC>MC _Tf1bD/*]sYY)#)HT$VQ6hQF3r6P. 2002-03-29T09:44:04Z /jZ19=iM*m6. 2mm7DC'%+YXn^Ao+/bKI(pX7?PL.6jn=,82mLQ((=&S5rnj\+9Daik+pf V % 3pSRF+? Gp ] -! @ 5H ; m1. # Rn^j88lFrpTQoH [ and about. A name of a taxon e.g ) XI ; r1H: international of... Scientific name to an organism Species Plantarum of 1753 come out with a classification.. '' TT * g # ` 2^ ( [ [ oV6FD > 1PJ L * though can an... The most important ways of identifying an object ISSN or ISBN is in. % i > h2\ % O ` _eViJoV9YA * A+FpW8M ; / @ L % +O\7^fa 245f_dr4Df4d! To resource books or web sites for more specific information ) to a... 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