The Scriptures teach that the God who created is the God who will destroy in judgment (2, Peter 3:1-10; Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:10-12). Do you want to advance on your job? God will answer these prayers (I Corinthians 10:13; James 1:13). Some make no preparation at all to succeed at their work, or transition with age. Are You Faithful in that Which Is Least at Home? b. This man demonstrated a lack of respect for the groom and bride by coming to the feast inappropriately dressed. You are a voice; be careful about the message that people could be getting from you! e. �Vehement Desire‛ intensely crave, a longing for. (Ezekiel 23, cf. a. I am unfriendly when I am rude and discourteous (cf. There is a way of escaping temptation (I Corinthians 10:13). extended curfews, choice of entertainments, un-chaperoned activities, etc.). The Christian is severely tried by Satan (I Peter 5:1-8). Had Cain loved his brother (1 John 3:12). Anything I may have learned from him directly or indirectly which I accept as a matter of faith I accept on the authority of Jesus Christ. Youth is a time for great service to God (Ecclesiastes 12:1). While all are tempted, it need not result in sin (James 1:15; 1 John 3:4; 2:1, 16�17; a. g. Is he the kind of man that will rule his house well and command his children after him? Jeff Asher  10. a. a. The above slogan has been very popular in the last few years. Put them somewhere you will see them and give attention to them frequently. (John 8:48). a. 2. Youth is a time for great service to God (Ecclesiastes 12:1) 2. c. Servants (II Corinthians 8:22; Acts 15:38), d. Saints (II Corinthians 2:9; 8:8,24; 13:5; Galatians 6:3,4) e. Evangelists (Philippians 2:22; 2 Timothy 4:5). c. The power of positive example (2 Timothy 1:5). God is the Father of our spirits (Hebrews 12:9). We cannot live a peaceable prosperous life without learning respect for and submitting to authority (Romans 13:1�7; I Peter 2:13-19). Therefore, I would like to explain to you why I need Jesus. Yet the temple was designed as a place of worship - a place of spiritual, not physical, transactions. 3. certainly, an unreliable disciple of Christ (Proverbs 23:35; Isaiah 5:11; Luke 21:34). Three sermons outlines are included in this download. Therefore, it is not to be taken lightly, nor is one to �set sail‛ onto the murky waters of marriage without much mature contemplation and prayer to God, and counsel with those of much experience, knowledge, and wisdom. �I hate putting away!�, a. Divorce is a terrible thing. �There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. 1. b. (Acts 17:18). It is even more disappointing to find out that some of these folks are among your closest friends. b. 3. Some things always right (Galatians 5:22�23), 3. A. b. People are facing their problems with pills, alcohol, or psychoanalysts because they have tried it alone. b. There are many mistakes that we can make when we are young. 1. 1. a. If one does not really want to know truth he will believe a lie (II Thessalonians 2:11). Reprobates are likened to dogs in spirituality (Matthew 7). c. Turmoil on the job because of a lack of respect for authority. He began to seek God at 16 years old (2 Chronicles 34:1�3). Some reap in real time�� (Psalm 37; Acts 12:21�23), 3. Most people are dissatisfied with life and living. Is God worthy of less? Those who were unrepentant often left in silence while others were amazed (Mark 11:29; 12:34; John 4:17; Luke 20:39). Joseph was lived a chaste life (Genesis 39:7�9). stunted spiritual growth the moment we deliberately decide to go against the b. Jesus used questions to convict his audiences of sin and error. a. b. Turmoil in the schools because of a lack of respect for authority. B. As needed, pray for peace, healing, tranquility 4. Consider several Old and New Testament examples of young people who for lack of. nothing good I can say about it. 3. See more ideas about youth sermons, bible lessons, sunday school lessons. I will quit it. The instruction concerning proper dress appears in this context --. Friendships require mutual trust (Ecclesiastes 4:9�12). a. Bible study eliminates ignorance (John 8:32). Say 'NO' to Your Feelings . 2. Many of our youth make the same mistake today. b. “Finally they said, ‘Who are you? It is a tragedy that some would accuse, him of being the head and founder of the �Campbellite? Our Top 10 Christmas and Advent sermons will ignite your own creativity as you prepare to preach about Christ’s birth. 6. Youth is the experience that provides the foundation for life (Ephesians 6:1�4). This accounts for the difficulty that so many have with this command. From others – God uses His people to comfort you. b. �Clearing,‛ a plea, exculpate, to give an account of oneself, answer for self. a. C. A Rejection of Creation Jeopardizes the Eternal Well Being of Mankind��, 1. B. Jeff Asher 63. b. 1:20). a. 2. 1. (1) This is how he came at Eve (Genesis 3:1�6). a. The words of Jesus represent the “whatever He tells you” that Mary b. Sprinkling has been practiced as baptism since the middle of the 12th century. Lot was part of a great family of believers in God (Genesis 11:31). 2:5). c. Now, He is not a savior, but He is the Savior (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 10:43). 2. (1) �Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear‛ (Psalm 119:38). Paul affirms that dress is an expression of the heart, the inner man, the spirit (2:9), a. 2) Fathers��you are the disciplinarian (Ephesians 6:4), 3) Mothers��you are the accountable teachers (Titus 2:5, 6) 4) Grandparents��you are still an influence (Titus 2:3, 4), 5) Young people��you have influence too (I Timothy 4:12-16), B. Make a purposeful application of those verses in your daily experience. b. c. This is the root of hypocrisy (Matthew 23:3), d. The world does not like this in men (Matthew 18:31ff.). d. He is a in a stupor both physical and spiritual; he is insensible to his pitiful condition; he becomes addicted to drink seeking that which destroys his health, his life and his soul. �A wise son maketh a glad father<‛ (Proverbs 10:1). When men deny a special Creation they deny that God planned and executed redemption (Ephesians 1:3, 4). His mother said to 8:11; Matthew 13:19; I Peter 1:22; John 3:5; Revelation 2:5). A short summary of this paper. a. This form of vanity is particularly unbecoming in men and women professing godliness. 6. The impenitent (Luke 13:3,5; Acts 2:38) c. The man�pleaser (Galatians 1:10). c. Lesson: God is concerned that worship be pure, free from the corruption that is in the world through lust (2 Peter 11:4). John 2:17 [NIV] A stranger would not have recognized this as a place of worship. a. Some will reap in eternity�� (Psalm 73; cf. (John 9:34). c. It�s as easy to understand as a house having only one owner. If the relationship of creature/Creator does not exist, then by what right should God expect man to revere Him? I love the attitude that the servants displayed; they demonstrated that they were real servants. If no, did she �put away‛ her spouse because he committed the, 2. (2) Youth must not be wasted (I Timothy 4:12). 3. b. a. Inspirational Christian books and devotions to lift your spirit daily. The Holy Woman of I Peter 3:3, 1) �the plating of hair‛��a custom of ancient times that was both costly and expensive. Does it reflect Christ to others? a. b. What about illicit drugs? NOTE: This sermon is part 1 and 2 of a 7 part sermon series. a. 1. 1. The Bible has some plain instruction concerning a proper work ethic. Jeff Asher  51. b. 3. 4:29�31). However, sin came and shame was in their hearts and their nakedness was now a matter, about which to be concerned (cf. �He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much‛ applies to (1) our jobs, (2). This paper. 1. Continue by living a reverent, pure and devoted life. c. "They have the most of life and nothing to live for!". To the mistreatment of others 7. The final judgment is compared separating sheep and goats (Matthew 25). However, think seriously as to why he became such. 2. B. 10. 1. a. Solomon was renowned for his wisdom (I Kg. (James Bales, Christian Contend for Thy Cause). I remember him on the cross (Matthew 27:32�38; Mark 15:21�41; Luke 23:33�38). Losing a loved one can be quite a shock. If You Show Me One Thing I Believe or Practice that Originated with Campbell� 1. 1. The Scriptures are intended to provide a lifetime of guidance and instruction (v. 14). with each decision they made, then the world would be a much better place. become one flesh. c. Christians should not, even though they can easily afford it, display their wealth in such a way. F. Drink Destroys Respect for Others�-1. I do not want to be critical or judgmental. B. (The Memoirs of Alexander Campbell, Vol. a. If so, here is the key: “Do whatever He tells you.”. B. talked about. 2. b. 2. Consistent performance without repeated remonstrance. 3. Physical beauty will only last as long as �Father Time‛ is merciful. a. Conscience is not the guide (I Timothy 1:5, 19; Hebrews 13:18). Be baptized (Acts 2:38), Jeff Asher  5. You are not the by�product of a chance combination of amino�acids given sufficient, electric charge to self�determine your advance from the primordial seas to dry land and. You Need Jesus Too� 1. They are not meant to point listeners in the right direction, but to point them towards self. c. Once addicted to wine all the drunkard can think about is the next drink (Proverbs 23:35). 2. c. Better that we do as Dorcas (Acts 9:36-39), C. There Is Clothing Which Communicates Wantonness and Sensuality�� 1. Spiritual, not alien! b. The surest way to avoid this pitfall is always obey your parents (Ephesians 6:1). How do people respond to someone that is unreliable? 3. 1. He is 'Elohim - The Strong Creator' - The God of the impossible! c. He is pictured in the NT as a man vexed, that is, �worn down by? B. I n this study, we will look at seven drunkards whose tales are told in Scripture. 3. He was the expected heir to his father�s. The fruit which is required of repentance demands that one quit sinning, and not just promise. the outer garment? 2. Choose someone who loves you for you without placing too much emphasis on outward, fleeting beauty. We should follow the example of Jesus in deciding not to sin (Daniel 1:8; 1 John 2:1�2; I Corinthians 10:13; 15:34; I Peter 2:21, 22). 1. Challenges to be faced with moral courage: a. Modesty (I Timothy 2:9�10; I Peter 3:1-6; Proverbs 2:10) b. Jeff Asher  19, Scriptural Guidelines for Choosing a Mate, 1. Lying and cheating is the best way to ruin friendships and destroy trust (I Peter 3:10; Proverbs 11:9). e. I am unfriendly when I forsake my friends in trouble (Proverbs 17:17; 27:10). He is not omnipresent. 3. We have had legalized alcohol sales since the passage of the 21st Amendment to the Constitution (12/05/1933). He wanted his favor. 5. You must choose your friends wisely and carefully. The five Campbells and two others were immersed upon their confession of faith by Baptist Elder Matthias Luce, June 12, 1812. 2:49). (II Samuel 13), b. Of course, the consequence is what we see: �Many scoffers ...‛, A. Evolution Theory and Christianity are Incompatible��, 1. This mourning must be �godly‛ so that it might produce repentance (II Corinthians 7:10). b. Cain did not obey God�s command (Genesis 4:3). He isn�t looking for the Lord; he is looking for a bottle. When choosing a friend for what should I look? Joseph was a forgiving person (Isaiah 50:21). He did not restrain his wrath (Proverbs 14:17; 16:32; 25:28; 27:3�4; 29:22; Ephesians 4:26). What is honesty? a. d. This approach to sin reminds us of the little boy who cut off the dog�s tail one inch at a time so it wouldn�t hurt so much. B. Paul�s Argument on the Name (I Corinthians 1:12�13)�-1. Jeff Asher  27, a. Of all the commands of God, if I were asked to rank them in order of difficulty, I would choose. Calling a thing a name doesn�t prove anything about it. 2. The Scriptures assert that the basis of God�s authority to rule over all men is the relationship. 1. The account of this young man�s mistake (Luke 15:11�18). Not, will he see that a way is made available for you to worship, but will he go by your side? c. Jesus worshipped in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). The Rich Man (Luke 16:19). (2) I am not about to go through a divorce. Are you seriously pursuing the Christian life? 4. Others seek to find a gap of time between verses one and two. And It is not a work of our own righteousness (Titus 3:2�5; James 2:14�26; Colossians 2:11,12). The secret to this success is Bible study (Psalms 119:11). b. G. Drink Casts Aside Responsibility�-1. repudiated the designation. c. Jesus does not commend theft, but a wise use of material things. He kept the Law of Moses (2 Kings 18:5, 6). 3. b. Amnon should have respected God�s marriage law (Genesis 2:23�24; I Corinthians 7:2�3) c.Amnon needed to recognize that what is in the heart comes out in the life (Proverbs 4:23; 1. b. He was marked as a terrible sinner (4:15). 7. Those with the uncontrolled tongue include: a. What Kind of Son or Daughter Shall I Be? The Scriptures are the standard by which all questions of right and wrong are settled (v. 16). (Jeremiah 21:22; cf. b. Let it Go. Furthermore, it makes this revelation in such a way that we can profit from it. a. Jesus was held in esteem while He was a young man because He was obedient to parents and law�abiding. Our flesh is the great battleground in which we war against the Tempter (Ephesians 6:10�17; a. Satan appeals to us along one of three avenues of temptation (1 John 2:16). Not my regret. 5. 1. Our Lesson Study Is Built Around the Third Application, 1. He came from a broken home. 19:1, 4; 2 Kings 19:15; 1 Chronicles 16:25, 26; Isaiah 40:28-31; Romans 1:18-20). c. Therefore, we are of Christ and have a right to wear his name and do�Christian 4. The Bible Reveals to Us the Folly of the Drunkard�s Path�-. b. �No one is hurt by it? a. John 3:29 [NIV]. 'voice'. 2. They sell their own kind of cattle, sheep, and doves. b. When given a job leave it undone. He was presented in the Temple on the 40. day (Luke 2:23; cf., Leviticus 12:2, 3, 8). A. On the eighth day he was circumcised (Luke 2:21). Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” John It is Christ that I follow, not Alexander Campbell. 1. 3. School is not what it used to be. Are you prepared to do with less and share more? Salvation is not in Campbell�s name (Acts 4:12). a. �The legs of the lame are not equal� (Proverbs 26:7). 3. Jeff Asher 62. c. Repentance is the change of volition from �I will not‛ to �I will.‛, C. How Repentance Is Produced & Its Results�. 4. 2. God loves you, no matter what. (2) �Thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly‛ (Matthew 6:4). 2. Are you obedient to their rules? c. If not, you will not be marrying a Christian, and this is definitely not the wise thing to do. 2. Truth and righteousness may cause a separation (Matthew 10:34�40; Luke 12:51�53). You are not the offspring of alien invaders from outer space. Actions affect others and our chief concern is that rather than self (8:4, 7�13; Romans 14:16-20). He arrived in New York September 29, 1809 having broken his ties with Presbyterianism. �Pretty is as pretty does.‛. We were baptized in his name (Acts 2:38). Jesus gave us a clear definition of repentance in Matthew 21:28. 4. instructions. B. e. Judas also was sorry when he recognized the consequence of his sin (Matthew 27:3�5). Lot had lost nearly everything in life that many think should have mattered to him: a wife, two daughters and their husbands, his home and wealth. And, while I admit that the wife, children and I work very hard at it; we give God the thanks and pray for His continued blessings. There are only three reasons why people use the name Campbellite. Is the person faithful? His father named him believing he would be a. source of comfort to them in their time of distress. 1. V, p. 270). “Philip found Nathanael and told him, ‘We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote - Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’‘Nazareth! b. c. Still others will argue that the days were not literal days, but days of indeterminate length and are capable of including long eons of time. The Lord kept the fifth commandment (Exodus 20:12). The fact is that Jesus has commanded every man that would be righteous to repent. 13:5). b. �One may employ a name which implies that which we disapprove and argue that since it is such and such a thing it must be condemned.? People enjoy being around them because they are always ready with an encouraging word. 3. b. This involves: b. a. 1. 3. What did the servants do in response to Jesus’ instruction? (I Corinthians 6:17�18). Free Sermons For Youth. Be Careful to Avoid These Mistakes� 1. 4. 3. (Acts 5:28�29), a. The popular TV ad urges us to talk with our kids about drugs and smoking. Over 14 million bracelets have been sold in the United States alone‛ ( f. They are not influenced by them. 1. as fact in order to be saved? The Scriptures teach that God is an eternal Spirit who made man in His own image (Genesis, 1:26-27; 2:7; Hebrews 12:9; Ecclesiastes 12:7). Bottom Line: We are called to encourage one another. Is she willing to bear and rear children (I Timothy 2:15). Hezekiah did. Honesty. There are abundant examples of great friendships: a. Ruth and Naomi, d. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah e. Jesus and the Twelve (John 13:1), Jeff Asher  53. a. I therefore implore you today: “Do whatever He tells you.” Whatever! Restore the New Testament Church in faith, worship, and organization. a. lack without instruction the essential thing, wisdom. 2. To the loss of dignity, 3. �Evil companions ��. a. A. 10:19; 18:6�7; Ecclesiastes 5:3; Job. a. Jesus' death effects the remission of the sins of all mankind (Matthew 26:28; 20:28; Hebrews 10:4�10). There is that in us which is everlasting or eternal (Matthew 10:28�29). One Tactic Employed by the Opponents of Truth Is Name-Calling---1. The ill-clad man at the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:11, 12). There is an impetuosity that often causes young people to �leap‛ before �looking,‛ landing them �hip deep‛ in trouble. B. Jesus is an example of obedience to parents��. b. A drunk cannot be thinking spiritual thoughts. 2. I think we all fear death to some extent (Hebrews 2:14�15). b. 3. Jeff Asher  36, c. Work establishes the ethical basis for property ownership (Ephesians 4:28; 2 Thessalonians. b. C. Esther Was a Young Person that Pleased God 1. 1. b. b. Jesus commands us to resist it and sin not (1 John 2:1; I Corinthians 15:34). 1. b. C. Drink Steals a Man�s Good Sense�-1. It is a tendency of the young to think that they know more than their parents or elders. Sermon #97: Are You a Responsible Person. Young friend, regardless of the emotional attraction you think you have for the person, if they have no right to marry you. c. Wine turned Solomon�s heart away from God, introduced him to inferior wisdom; made his, Jeff Asher 64. eyes to wander about looking for many women. Jesus said that there were some who needed Him (Matthew 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31). Therefore, he violated a cardinal rule of servant-hood (Ephesians 6:5�7). Paul affirmed the same (Philippians 2:14�16). when The gossip (Proverbs 26:20�22) c. The �whiner‛ (Jude 16). How can I rely upon a �God‛ who is less in power, intelligence and will than the universe in which He resides? In your life example (Ecclesiastes 10:1). Amnon destroyed four lives. His elder sons still regarded him as they ought to have. There is no need to be in a hurry to get married. The journey began when Ron, then a drug addict desperately seeking cash, shot and killed Phil’s father. a. With Daniel they did not eat the unclean things (Daniel 1:8, 17�21). 2. Some were exchanging money - some kind of bureau de changes in God's house! 2. The Five Talent Man and the Two Talent Man were faithful over a few things that were not theirs. Jesus obeyed the law and observed the customs: b. I remember Him in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-56; Mark 14:32-50). He destroyed Tamar with the shame and disgrace. Jeff Asher  11. 1. 2. If conviction were all that was necessary, then Peter would not have enjoined it upon these believers. 1. Proud, arrogant, stubborn, and rebellious men cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven (I Peter 5:5). It is promoted and presented as plausible in order to align the church with the world rather than turning the world to Christ the eternal Creator. d. �Babbler