The main emphasis will be on empirical research on migration and immigrant groups. The student distributes a copy of the dissertation to reviewers and to Supervisory Committee members four (4) weeks before the date of the defense, with an extra copy to the Supervisor (or designate) which may be made available to other faculty or students who may wish to read it. ____    as is Major areas of strength at McGill include epidemiologic methods, clinical epidemiology, infectious diseases, social epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, public and population health, global health, environmental epidemiology, chronic diseases and aging, and perinatal epidemiology. Regardless of format, the student should identify and follow appropriate style guides for the preparation of the dissertation. A brief overview of genetic epidemiology principles is covered. Meetings with project supervisors are made easier with the help of modern technology. Note: An undergraduate level biology course is highly recommended. The Supervisory Committee approves the dissertation, at least four (4) weeks before the anticipated date of the defense. Between these individuals and the Supervisor, there should be expertise in all content and methodological areas relevant to the student’s research focus and dissertation proposal. PE Advisor:robert.platt [at] (subject: Ph.D.%20Epi.%20Pharmacoepidemiology%20Option%20inquiry) (Dr. R. Platt). Students will normally take the Comprehensive Exam (EPIB 701) within 12 to 24 months of entry into the Ph.D. degree program. If necessary, the Program Director suggests alternative reviewers. 1. Social epidemiology is a branch of epidemiology that focuses particularly on the effects of social-structural factors on states of health. - Contributed. Students are permitted to continue with their normal progression through the program. Epidemiology & Biostatistics: The course has a conceptual and analytical causal inference perspective. The comprehensive exam and the above required courses are usually completed before submitting and defending the thesis research protocol in EPIB 702. Restriction(s): Open to Ph.D students in Epidemiology or Biostatistics programs only. Students will be expected to analyze their own data using appropriate analytic approaches. Epidemiology & Biostatistics: The comprehensive examination is a written examination. It is a single report, divided into chapters: introduction, literature review, methods, results, and discussion. Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the patterns and causes of disease in human populations. In this light, students are encouraged to choose elective courses that relate to the theme of their dissertation. Finally, the thesis must be written in compliance with norms for academic and scholarly expression and for publication in the public domain. The option is coordinated by the CPD, in partnership with participating academic units. CHL5408H: Research Methods II (0.5) Research topics must be related to pharmacoepidemiology and approved by the program coordinating committee. The Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health (CSEPH) aims to promote research and training on the causes of health inequalities and the policies and interventions necessary to eliminate these inequalities, both in the United States and globally. The thesis must be relevant to global health and approved by the Global Health Coordinating Committee. PDO Advisor:amelie.quesnelvallee [at] (subject: Ph.D.%20Epi.%20Population%20Dynamics%20Option%20inquiry) (Dr. A. Quesnel-Vallée), (subject: Ph.D.%20Epidemiology%20inquiry), (subject: Ph.D.%20Epidemiology%20Global%20Health%20Option%20inquiry), (subject: Ph.D.%20Epi.%20Pharmacoepidemiology%20Option%20inquiry), (subject: Ph.D.%20Epi.%20Population%20Dynamics%20Option%20inquiry), Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Dual Degree Programs in Public Health Data Science, Public Health & Preventive Medicine Resident Training Program, Ph.D. Restrictions: Course open to U3 undergraduate students and graduate students in the Department of Geography OR others with permission of instructor. Topics include analytic methods, study design, outbreak investigations, surveillance, vaccine development and evaluations, screening, modelling, and infectious causes of cancer or chronic diseases. Career opportunities for graduates are multiple and include work in industry, government, or academia. 2. The course examines families in the past, the study of family using a life course approach, and considers selective areas which may have had significant influences on contemporary family such as work and family, family violence, and cultural variation in families. The co-supervisor generally will be a faculty member with an Associate appointment in the SGS. The research presented must meet current standards of the discipline; as well, the thesis must clearly demonstrate how the research advances knowledge in the field. The Population Dynamics Option (PDO) is a cross-disciplinary, cross-faculty graduate program offered by the Centre on Population Dynamics (CPD) as an option within existing master’s and doctoral programs in the Departments of Sociology, Economics, and Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health (EBOH) at McGill University. SBE Disparities, epidemiology: social, policy / politics, sociology, tobacco: policy James Pankow, PhD, MPH CBE Cardiovascular disease epidemiology; genetic epidemiology; diabetes epidemiology Mark Pereira, MPH, PhD / CBE SBE Nutrition and physical activity in the prevention of obesity; type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease Andres Perez, The Administrative Assistant reserves a room and any required audiovisual equipment specified by the student, and posts notices on bulletin boards and e-mail, including a confirmatory e-mail to the reviewers and Supervisory Committee. Dr. Scheim is a social epidemiologist interested in understanding (and ultimately, transforming) the impacts of social, policy, and healthcare environments on the health of stigmatized populations. The Administrative Assistant reserves a room and any required audiovisual equipment, as specified by the student, and posts notices on bulletin boards and e-mail, including a confirmatory e-mail to the Supervisory Committee and reviewers. Students are encouraged to discuss the selection of appropriate electives with their Supervisory Committees. The Program Director’s Representative will take note of the feedback with respect to whether the dissertation work is generally adequate for the Final Oral Examination (FOE); changes that should be made to the dissertation prior to arranging for the FOE, and improvements that could be made to the oral presentation and defense; and will prepare a summary of the recommendations. Social epidemiology seeks to understand the ways in which social, political, cultural and economic circumstances influence our chances for a healthy life. This program provides in-depth training for graduate students on pharmacoepidemiologic methods and the application of these methods to study the population effects (benefits and harm) of pharmaceutical products. Epidemiology program, or permission of the instructor. 1. Eligible reviewers will have had no prior involvement with the design or conduct of the research, with the exception of providing references or other background material, and generally will not be the faculty who served as reviewers at the proposal defense. Countries examined will represent different welfare state regimes, health care system typologies, levels of development and wealth. Before the Oral Defense Committee convenes, the student and non-committee attendees may be asked to leave the room to permit discussion of the defense process among the Oral Defense Committee members. Thus, applicants are strongly encouraged to seek out potential supervisors, and discuss with them the possibilities, prior to applying to the degree program. students are encouraged to explore broadly and have wide-ranging discussions with potential supervisors. Courses must be chosen in consultation with the student's supervisor and/or the degree program's director or adviser. The purpose of the proposal defense is to: Format: The proposal will include a brief and cogent review of the literature, justification of the research question, the objectives and hypotheses, design, data collection or data sources, proposed analysis strategies, timetable, ethics, and potential problems or issues. PhD students will be required to complete a minimum of 135 units (as per university requirements), including 45 course units exclusive of EPI 236 (Epidemiology Research Seminar), EPI 299 (Directed Reading), and EPI 399 (Graduate Research). Dr. Caroline Ritter is the new Canada research chair specializing in veterinary social epidemiology at UPEI. The student contacts the Program Director (copy to the Administrative Assistant) to give notice that the dissertation is ready for defense, together with the names and email addresses of potential reviewers. Applicants should have practical experience and reasonable expertise using standard statistical software packages. Restriction(s): Registration in the PhD program in Epidemiology. Critical analysis of key theories and concepts implicated in the intersection of globalization processes with gender dynamisms. Sociology (Arts): This seminar reviews literature on major research areas in family. Previous coursework in statistics and environmental science is useful, though not required. It may include both methodological and substantive advances in knowledge. FindAPhD. She completed a PhD in Public Health and Epidemiology at the Université de Montréal and an MSc in Psychiatry, with specialization in psychiatric epidemiology, from McGill University. Population&Pub Health Sciences: Key health policy topics in developed economies using analytic frameworks and tools from economics. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world. View all 5 Online PhD opportunities at universities in Canada. Prerequisite: With permission of instructor. The purpose of the Doctor of Public Health in Epidemiology (DrPH) is to educate professionals with knowledge, skills and abilities in the development of epidemiological methodology applied to health needs including the identification of risk factors, clinical research, programs assessment, prevention, protection and treatment of diseases. GH Advisor:madhukar.pai [at] (subject: Ph.D.%20Epidemiology%20Global%20Health%20Option%20inquiry) (Dr. M. Pai). Students may choose one of two options for preparation of the dissertation: a monograph or a series of journal articles. The second reviewer may be a substantive expert from another discipline. The student contacts the Program Director, with a copy to the Administrative Assistant, to give notice that the proposal is ready for defense, together with the name, email and brief rationale for the external reviewer. The exam is graded “Pass” or “Provisional Pass” or “Fail”. The course is composed of four parts: (i) methodology of Phase IV studies (efficacy and effectiveness studies); (ii) measurement of quality of life; (iii) evaluation of the economic impact of drugs; (iv) assessment of the effects of drugs and vaccines on the public health system. Social epidemiology is the study of how the social world influences -- and in many cases defines -- the fundamental determinants of health. The Supervisory Committee identifies at least two potential reviewers. Economics (Arts): Surveys the empirical techniques used in applied microeconomic fields, particularly development and labour economics. Population&Pub Health Sciences: This exciting and interactive course aims to give students the opportunity to broaden their understanding and knowledge of global health issues, including global burden of diseases, determinants of health, transition in health and drivers of such transition, challenges in healthcare delivery in resource-limited settings, and the variety of agencies and actors engaged in addressing global health challenges. Students will become familiar with topics of global health relevance and incorporate this into their core coursework and thesis research. Policies affecting areas such as language, education, immigration, employment and promotion, multiculturalism and welfare. The defense of the dissertation will take place in two stages: first, a Departmental defense, second, a formal defense (the Final Oral Examination) before a University committee according to procedures established by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). The proposal defense consists of a written outline of the dissertation proposal and an oral presentation. The completion of this process also counts as the protocol approval, which is required for candidacy. Examinations held twice yearly. The faculty supervisor may be confirmed prior to beginning the program, and generally will be in place by the end of the first year. The following elements will be assessed: The proposal presentation must be attended by the student, the Supervisory Committee and one external reviewer approved by the Program Director. Thus, in addition to the rigorous training provided in the Department of EBOH, graduate students who choose this option become Centre on Population Dynamics (CPD) student trainees. The literature review is comprehensive and specific to the content area; The proposed work demonstrates scholarly impact and innovation with respect to methods and/or substantive contribution; Completeness and relevance to study design/research plan, Appropriateness of research methods and statistical analyses, Feasibility of research approach including power calculation as appropriate. This includes ongoing research projects of the Supervisor which has previously received REB approval and where REB approval is already held from a University affiliated hospital or research institute. Drawing reciprocal linkages between social and population processes: Historical, family and labour force demography, demographic and fertility transitions, mortality, ethnic and race relations, gender, macro-structural interaction theory, and the relation of population and the environment. Students will further their research training by applying these methods to independent thesis research under the supervision of a faculty member. The thesis must be relevant to global health and approved by the Global Health Coordinating Committee. Economics (Arts): Problems of economic growth and planning in selected underdeveloped countries. The Report will be delivered to the Program Director and filed in the student’s file in the Graduate office of Public Health Sciences. Methods in Social Epidemiology provides students and professionals with a comprehensive reference for studying the social distribution and social determinants of health. PhD in Epidemiology programs may train students in some broad aspects of public health, but generally focus on the epidemiologic concepts and methods for conducting research in the field. The Program Director approves the reviewers, and will nominate one of them to be the Program Director’s representative. Online Courses PHC 6001: Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Epidemiology methods frequently used to study disease patterns in community and clinic-based populations. The proposal will conclude with references in proper bibliographic format. Social epidemiology is the study of how the social world influences -- and in many cases defines -- the fundamental determinants of health. Techniques for descriptive and etiologic investigations of socioeconomic position, gender, race and ethnicity, geography, and social policies will be discussed. Epidemiology & Biostatistics: A review of selected epidemiological research focussing on global health and disease topics. The University of Prince Edward Island has appointed Dr. Caroline Ritter as the new Canada research chair specializing in veterinary social epidemiology. Assess sufficient content/substantive knowledge base relevant to their thesis topic. These are our goals. Open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates from all departments. The Supervisor is responsible for providing mentorship to the student through all phases of the PhD program. The purpose of this defense is to rehearse the oral presentation for the SGS defense and to determine whether the student is ready for the SGS defense. Read on to consider the merits of each program before making a decision. It must show familiarity with previous work in the field and must demonstrate ability to plan and carry out research, organize results, and defend the approach and conclusions in a scholarly manner. The student should expect constructive criticism about the clarity and length of the presentation and the quality of visual materials, as well as about the dissertation itself. As a reminder, the reviewer must have an SGS appointment at the University of Toronto. My research focuses on the social epidemiology of cognitive aging from a global perspective. Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the patterns and causes of disease in human populations. Please contact us if you are looking for a syllabus from a specific semester. The exam is intended to test students’ ability to synthesize and integrate epidemiological knowledge. Presentation questions are posed to the student in two rounds, with approximately 10 minutes allotted to each reviewer per round, with the reviewer taking the lead in the questions. Topics covered include themes related to the potential data sources, appropriate exposure definitions, the use of active drug comparators, latency and the application of lag periods, reverse causality, detection bias, methodological considerations in the assessment of acute versus chronic outcomes, new-user designs, healthy-user effects, and non-traditional study designs (e.g., within-user designs). These phases, which will be monitored by the Program Director of the PhD program, are the identification of the Supervisor and the Supervisory Committee, completion of required and elective course work, completion of the comprehensive examination, defense of the research proposal, and defense of the dissertation (both Departmental and SGS ). This link was substantiated in the first edition ofSocial Epidemiology, and the generation of research that followed has fundamentally changed the way we understand epidemiology and public health.This much-awaited second edition elevates the field … An application for initial REB approval (or amendment to approval for an ongoing study), will therefore follow the approval of the dissertation proposal. The Program Director must approve the selection of the primary supervisor and the co-supervisor. Title: “Vaccine effectiveness against persistent human papillomavirus infection in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.”, Treatment and prevention of cardiometabolic disorders (e.g. At the end of formal questioning, the student and other attendees not part of the review panel will leave the room, and the reviewer and Supervisory Committee will have a general discussion of four elements (I – IV) outlined above. write and defend a doctoral dissertation which makes a contribution to the scientific literature. The nature of specific study biases resulting in non-causal components in the observed association between exposure and outcome are discussed, including endogenous selection bias, measured and unmeasured confounding, and measurement error. Epidemiology & Biostatistics: This course will provide an overview of the concepts and principles underlying epidemiologic study design. Considered a leading expert in the area of social epidemiology, Dr. Kawachi’s research areas include social determinants of health, psychosocial risk factors for heart disease, health disparities, and globalization and population health. Includes topics such as calculation of unit costs, measurement of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and assessment of uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analysis. Our students will master the essential principles and methodology of epidemiological research and practice. Her postdoctoral work explores the social determinants of substance use, Deaths of Despair and related syndemics in Canada. In addition, the role of confounding and methods used to minimize its effects, such as the use of propensity scores, instrumental variables, and marginal structural models will be discussed. Population&Pub Health Sciences: Concepts and methods used to carry out economic evaluations of health programs and interventions, including public health interventions, pharmaceuticals, and other health care interventions. Degrees. Traditionally, PhD candidates prefer to conduct research on campus. This link was substantiated in the first edition of Social Epidemiology, and the generation of research that followed has fundamentally changed the way we understand epidemiology and public health. If revisions to the text of the dissertation are recommended, there will also be discussion of the timing of the FOE. Undergraduate students require permission of instructor. The Report will also be signed and delivered to the Program Director and filed in the student’s progress file in the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences. The PhD in Epidemiology is a research degree that may equip students with the tools of modern epidemiology, as well as introduce them to key theories and models of leadership. A title page, with word count, will include the names of the Supervisor and other Supervisory Committee members. a) Dissertation is acceptable: So, for instance, an introduction and literature review, and possibly methods, more global in scope than those included in the manuscripts themselves, would precede the manuscripts; likewise, a discussion would follow, and would tie the manuscripts together, describing how they – as a group – make a contribution to the literature. Epidemiology & Biostatistics: In this course, students are confronted with real examples of pharmaco-epidemiologic problems. The Supervisor will take notes of all issues raised. Topics include the social and environmental determinants of chronic and infectious disease, health and health-related behaviours. Students with a “Provisional Pass” (some deficiencies noted but not enough to stop progress on the thesis) are recommended to undertake (in consultation with their supervisor), specific remedial steps to address the areas of weakness identified in the exam. The course will allow students to expand their methodological tool box, explore controversies in epidemiology, and gain experience synthesizing and communicating complex concepts to an informed audience. Social epidemiology is the study of how the social world influences -- and in many cases defines -- the fundamental determinants of health. These could include additional courses, essays, assignments, and short courses. Offered by: Epidemiology and Biostatistics. No prior background in economics is required. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programs & Scholarships in Public Health & Epidemiology. Research will be mostly from developing countries and research methods will be highlighted. A "hands on" approach is emphasized. Provide students with the necessary training and support in advanced social epidemiological methods, theory, and research approaches through course work, seminars, and applied research opportunities. Masters sources of funding. Covering the theory, models, and methods used to measure and analyze these phenomena, this book serves as both an introduction to the field and a practical manual for data collection and analysis. CHL5406H: Quantitative Methods for Biomedical Research (0.5) Infectious disease epidemiology, vaccine-preventable diseases, global health, Title: “Waning measles immunity in Ontario: A population-based cohort study”, Title: “Help-Seeking Behaviours, Access to Care and Suicide among Rural and Urban Populations in Ontario, Canada.”, Infectious disease epidemiology, global health, mathematical modelling, one health, emerging infectious diseases, influenzas, Title: “Transmission dynamics of influenza and avian influenza in urban Bangladesh: live poultry exposure, seasonality, and pandemic risk at the human-poultry interface”, Maternal and infant health, Maternal illicit drug use, child health, health equity, public health policy, Title: “Health and Developmental Outcomes Associated with Prenatal Opioid Exposure: A Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study in Ontario.”, Environmental toxicants, neurocognitive development, fetal exposures, child health, global health, Title: “The role of environmental toxicant exposure on neurodevelopment in children: examining cognitive and behavioural symptoms among mother-child pairs from two environmental birth cohort studies.”. After satisfactory completion of these remedial steps the student will be considered to have a “Pass” on the Comprehensive Exam/Protocol Defense. The student may be invited to be present at these discussions at the discretion of the Oral Defense Committee. 3 credits of coursework at the 500 level or higher from this list, or any other course approved by the Global Health Option Committee that have not been taken to satisfy other program requirements. The bibliography and title page are not included in the page or word counts. Applicants should note that identifying a potential supervisor does not guarantee admission. Theory from the social sciences is combined with rigorous epidemiological methods to highlight the connections between social factors and health and use what is found to improve health. The Report of the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences Oral Defense Committee Meeting will be completed at the end of the Departmental Defense during which the Oral Defense Committee makes the recommendation for the student to proceed to the SGS Final Oral Examination (FOE). It is expected that students will complete their degree within 48 to 60 months of entry into the Ph.D. degree program. The student distributes the proposal to the external reviewer, Supervisory Committee members, and Administrative Assistant, three weeks before the date of the proposal defense. evaluate the scientific literature with respect to epidemiologic concepts, theoretical hypotheses, designs, methods, analyses and interpretation; develop theoretical formulations and testable hypotheses from concepts in the literature or epidemiological observations, and propose research questions and design and write research proposals; understand the practical and scientific implications of epidemiological research designs and the associated methodological and analytical techniques; identify and evaluate available data for addressing specific research questions; evaluate strengths and weaknesses of data collection methods, develop methods appropriate for answering specific research questions, and assess the measurement properties of data collection tools; address ethical issues related to epidemiologic studies; appreciate the policy implications of epidemiologic research; and. 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